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OOC Info: The information below can be considered general knowledge. It can be assumed that your character had an opportunity to come across this information in their travels or that if they were to 'look it up', this information would be straight forward to obtain.

The Tactical Emergency Response and Resistance Agency (TERRA) is the foremost law enforcement agency in the Red Sector. TERRA Agents handle the day to day law enforcement there, leaving the Judges free to patrol the gold, green, and blue sectors. TERRA was created by the Waymuth City Council in the mid-eighties as a reaction to increasing crime rates. The head Agent of TERRA is Marie Consqualia Gomez Navillio Chavez Ramon. TERRA employs many people, and is one of only a handful of corporations operating inside Waymuth City that employ people living in the Red Sector (Mixers) as their primary work force.

Unlike the Street Judges, most TERRA agents are not permitted to carry firearms. Outfitted with personalized exo-suits and non-lethal weapons, the Agents do all they can to keep the population of Red at bay.