
From GDOME | Cyberpunk Roleplaying Gamemode
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These are the rules for the server. These are OOC rules that everyone automatically agrees to follow upon joining the server and creating a character. Breaking any of these rules warrants a permanent ban. Keep in mind that all bans are permanent until appealed. If you believe that someone is breaking a rule, we encourage you to contact the admins. Please read these rules very carefully.

0. No Erotic Role Play (ERP), erotic content, or 18+ sexual content in any shape or form.

  • Breaking this rule will result in an instant ban from our server. Additionally, we may or may not share the logs so others can laugh at you.
  • This includes joking about it with the use of IC commands, as well OOC chat.

1. In-game administration rulings are final.

  • If an admin says something was 'looked into, handled, resolved' etc, regarding an issue, it is unlikely an admin will provide any further information.
  • Admins are under no obligation to reveal IC information and can take action against repeated attempts to divulge IC information in any circumstance.
  • Staff will try to treat you with basic respect, please return the favor.
  • Deliberately lying or misrepresenting facts to admins will be dealt with harshly.

2. Don't be a shitter.

  • Use common sense.
  • Don't whine on OOC.
  • "Toeing the line" is not permitted. Do not try to bypass the rules by bending them or ignoring the rule's intention.
  • AFKing without contributing to the roleplay for extended periods of time to reap benefits, such as 'farming' rations is not allowed. If this is how you wish to roleplay, consider playing on a different server.
  • Do not misuse the IC chat commands such as '/me' to goof around, i.e. '/me smiles like dis :)' See rule 11.
  • Spamming, glitching, exploiting, cheating and being overall disruptive will get you banned.

3. Don't be a dick.

*We're all here to have a good time, supposedly. Going out of your way to seriously negatively impact or mess with someone with little IC justification is against the rules, this also includes harassing a player OOC (Out of character), as well as gatekeeping.

4. Follow the escalation rules (Citizens only).

This rule addresses the in-fighting between citizens and does not apply to cross-faction conflicts (i.e. citizens vs combine).
  • You may instigate conflict with another character within reason.
  • Killing another character over petty reasons such as verbal abuse is a violation of this rule.
  • You may kill an individual if non lethal means to subdue your opponent have failed, such as fleeing, or otherwise working things out
  • Characters with low health will be automatically knocked out. Take advantage of this mechanic to de-escalate the situation, if possible.
  • If you are the instigator in a conflict and end up killing or severely impairing the life of another character for a petty reason, you will be banned.
  • If you are the victim and you choose to retaliate with violence or refuse to work things out, you in turn have opened yourself up to violence. Do not expect admins to help you out if you die.

5. Metagaming is not allowed.

Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (in character) information.
Even if something seems minor to you, as long as it pertains to the current state of things and characters, you should not be mentioning it in OOC.
  • Do not use information gained through out-of-character (OOC) means in-character.
  • Do not give out in character (IC) information over out-of-character (OOC) chat.
  • Giving out any kind of in-character information over out-of-character (OOC) is bannable.
  • Giving out any sort of information in an attempt to bait other characters in out-of-character (OOC) chat is considered metabaiting.
  • Asking others to reveal IC information through OOC is strictly forbidden.
  • Characters are otherwise allowed to know everything about in-game mechanics, items and map layout.
  • While you may communicate with another player outside of the game via things like Discord, all we'll ask that you do not communicate with each other about what's happening in-game. If we believe that you are metagaming over comms you will be banned.

6. Do not attempt to avoid IC consequences.

  • Do not disconnect, go AFK or swap characters to avoid imminent or in-progress RP for in-roleplay reasons.
  • If you are involved in a conflict, you must remain on that character until the conflict has been resolved.
  • If you are caught disconnecting or swapping characters being while detained, or in-conflict, you will be banned.
  • In cases where you are unsure whether you are allowed to disconnect or not, ask an admin.

7. Powergaming is not allowed.

  • 'IC' weapons and equipment are not allowed. Use what you have in your arsenal.
  • If you can't get somewhere through in-game means, then you can't role play it.
  • Do not ask admins to provide you with aid over IC matters. This includes asking for healing, teleportation and items, but not are not limited to it.
  • General rule of thumb is that if you are unable to accomplish whatever you are trying to do through in-game mechanics, then don't RP it.

8. Follow the combat rules and role play accordingly.

  • We employ the Shoot to Kill (S2K) system for combat.
  • Combat is defined as any action that harms or hinders the ability of a character.
  • Before S2K can begin, you are required to use '/me, /mc or /ml'. This action must have a minimum of 6 words and must properly describe your intentions.
  • You are not required to wait for the other person to respond, as long as it is roleplayed on your end.
  • You are allowed to retaliate without having to perform an action.
  • In scenarios where both parties are equipped with firearms, S2K may begin immediately.
  • If your target flees as you are performing, you do not have to perform.
  • There must be at least 6 CP units online before you can attempt to kill or mug a CP.

9. Stay in-character at all times and follow the character rules.

Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. But understand that their personality and backstory must fit the Half-Life universe.
At the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants to continue living. As such, they should act like it.
  • Your characters description must be properly punctuated and must describe your characters physical description and nothing more.
  • Your character must have a reasonable bio/backstory.
  • Your character must be serious and not be derived from pop culture, memes and so forth.
  • Throw away characters are not allowed. Do not create disposable, low quality characters with little to no personality.
  • Characters must be named appropriately. (See rule 3).
  • Your characters full name cannot contain any nicknames, but you are more than welcome to roleplay as having one.
  • Naming your new character like your old one is not allowed. Additionally, the same character history/bio and description are not allowed.

10. This is an English server.

  • You must be able to read and write in English.
  • Netspeak (lol, sup, wtf, brb, gg, etc.) is not permitted in character (IC).
  • Everything said in character (IC) must be properly capitalized, punctuated and spelled.
  • While in character, you should strive to be as grammatically correct as possible. We don't want to lecture you on basic grade 10 English.

11. This is a roleplay server.

  • Breaking character to goof and meme around have been done a thousand times before you got there, and chances are, your fantastic funny joke will be the worst of those thousand times, and will get you banned.

12. Losing is part of the game.

  • Your character may eventually be permanently killed sometimes without even a possibility of avoiding it. You may simply be in the wrong place at the wrong time. These events will often be out of your control. No matter how good or prepared you are, sometimes you just lose. So don't whine about it.

Things to Keep In Mind

Although we all follow the same general rules, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.

We have multiple ways of telling if you are lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, we will simply ban you.